Salon Futura


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July 2023
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Dr. Maria Gerolemou is a Classicist based at the University of Exeter. One of her interests is in ancient automota. Here she talskto Cheryl about their joint fascination with the early origins of robots.


Direct download: MariaG.mp3
Category:Interview -- posted at: 1:43pm PDT

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Cheryl talks to Anne Corlett and Kevlin Henney about the new, online convention, WiFi SciFi. How did it come to be? Has it worked for audiences? What problems have theyfound with online conferencing software?

Direct download: WiFiSciFi.mp3
Category:Interview -- posted at: 9:21am PDT

Interview - Tate Hallaway


In this interview Cheryl talks to Tate Hallaway, the mysterious, night-dwelling alter-ego of mild-mannered novelist, Lyda Morehouse. The conversation touches on Lyda's AngeLINK novels, Tate's work, and of course the newly released Unjust Cause.

Direct download: TateHallway.mp3
Category:Interview -- posted at: 9:18am PDT

Interview - Juliet E. McKenna

The Thief's Gamble

In this interview Cheryl talks to Juliet E. McKenna about the re-issue of her Tales of Einarinn series, back in print for the first time in years. Other topics discussed include free fiction for lockdown reading, book three in the Green Man series, and a potential River Kingdom novel.

Direct download: iphone如何上谷歌
Category:Interview -- posted at: 12:37pm PDT

ios用什么上谷歌 Interview - Kate Macdonald


Kate Macdonald is the founder of Handheld Press, an innovative British small press specialising in recovering forgotten works by women writers. In this interview, first broadcast on Chery's Women's Outlook show on Ujima Radio, Kate talks about why she founded the company and some of her more successful projects.


Direct download: Kate_Macdonald.mp3
Category:Interview -- posted at: 9:27am PDT

Interview - Rivers Solomon


This interview was originally broadcast on the Women's Outlook show on Ujima Radio in August 2018. It mainly concerns the novella, The Deep, based on the clipping song of the same name.

Direct download: RiversSolomon.mp3
Category:怎么在苹果上登录谷歌 -- posted at: 1:25pm PDT

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Ellen Datlow is a multi-award winning editor and is generally regarded as the top editor in horror short fiction.

This interview was recorded at the 2023 Eurocon, TitanCon, in Belfast. Cheryl talks to Ellen about a range of topics including how she got her start in the business, how the industry has changed since she started, what "best of the year" anthologies mean, and who is the only horror writer ever to have scared her.

Direct download: Ellen_Datlow.mp3
Category:Interview -- posted at: 5:52am PDT

iphone如何上谷歌 Heather Child Interview

This is an interview that Cheryl did with author Heather Child on the Women's Outlook show on Ujima Radio. The Undoing of Arlo Knott is Heather's second novel, following the successful Everything About You.

Direct download: Heather-Arlo.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:41am PDT

Anne Corlett Interview

This is an interview that Cheryl did on her radio show back in September 2018. She talks to Anne Corlett about Anne's debut novel, The Space Between the Stars. The conversation covers the journey to getting published, reproductive rights, and disability rights.


Direct download: AnneCorlett-final.mp3
Category:Interview -- posted at: 11:35am PDT

Regina Wang Interview

Regina Wang

This is an interview that Cheryl did with Chinese science fiction advocate, Regina Wang, while they were at Åcon X in Mariehamn earlier this year.

Here are some links to things mentioned in the interview:

  • Ken Liu
  • Chen Quifan
  • Clarkesworld Magazine
  • The Xia Jia collection Kickstarter
  • The Wandering Earth on Netflix
  • The Chengdu Panda Sanctuary
Direct download: 怎么在苹果上登录谷歌
Category:Interview -- posted at: 9:34am PDT

Remembering Diana Wynne Jones

How's Moving Castle

This interview with Farah Mendlesohn & Cathy Butler was recorded at BristolCon in 2018. We are releasing it now because the conference it refers to is taking place this coming weekend (August 9-11, 2023)

Direct download: Farah-Cathy_Final.mp3
Category:Interview -- posted at: 6:20am PDT

Amal El-Mohtar Interview

This is How You Lose the Time War

This interview was recorded at Åcon X in Mariehamn in June 2023. Most of it was originally broadcast on the Women's Outlook show on Ujima Radio. This is the full version, though not being on the radio I can't include the music.

The interview covers a range of issues including world politics, Brexit and poetry, but the main discussion covers This is How You Lose the Time War, the novella that Amal has written with Max Gladstone.


Direct download: Amal_final.mp3
Category:Interview -- posted at: 4:51am PDT

Maria Dahvana Headley Interview

This is an interview that Cheryl made following an event in Oxford where Maria got to talk to experts in Anglo Saxon literature about her work on Beowulf. The interview covers a number of topics, including what it is like to follow in the footsteps of Tolkien. There is also a fair amount of discussion of modern US politics, feminism, and the failings of previous translations.


Direct download: Maria_Beowulf.mp3
Category:Interview -- posted at: 9:23am PDT

Joanne Harris at FantasyCon

This is another interview that Cheryl did at FantasyCon 2018. It is with Joanne Harris. They talked about Joanne's career as a fantasy writer, Norse myths, her new book, and who might play Loki if her books about him ever get filmed.

怎么在苹果上登录谷歌 is now available from good bookshops everywhere. Joanne and Cheryl also talked about the Child Ballads, which are the inspiration for some of Joanne's recent work.

Direct download: Joanne_Harris_FCon.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:38am PDT

Tade Thompson at FantasyCon


While Cheryl was at FantasyCon in 2018 she caught up with Tade Thompson. Their conversation covered the success of Rosewater, the scariness of The Murders of Molly Southborne, and what it is like for black writers to live in a post-Black Panther world.

A shorter version of this interview as originally broadcast on Ujima Radio iphone如何上谷歌.

Direct download: Tade_Thompson_FCon.mp3
Category:Interview -- posted at: 9:12am PDT

怎么在苹果上登录谷歌 Heather Child Interview

This interview from Cheryl's radio show, Women's Outlook, is with Bristol-based author, Heather Child. Heather's first novel is a fascinating science fiction look at how smart digital assistants might develop in the near future. In Everything About You the protagonist, Freya, discovers that an AI can be a very dangerous friend to have.

As usual with interviews from Women's Outlook, we have had to remove the ads and music from the podcast version.

Direct download: ios用什么上谷歌
Category:Interview -- posted at: 1:54am PDT

苹果7上谷歌加速软件 Jonathan L Howard Interview

Cheryl welcomed Jonathan L Howard onto her radio show to discuss his latest novel, After the End of the World. The book is set in an alternate universe in which the Nazis won World War II. There is much discussion about how this turned out to be much more topical that Jonathan expected when he wrote the book, and about the merits of Nazi-punching.

After the End of the World is the sequel to the critically acclaimed Carter & Lovecraft, featuring descendants of HP Lovecraft and Randolf Carter.

There is also discussion of Jonathan's other projects, including the Johannes Cabal series, the Goon Squad superhero adventures, and a brand new video game.

Direct download: Jonathan_Howard.mp3
Category:Interview -- posted at: 7:40am PDT

Tade Thompson Interview


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However, Rosewater has just become the 苹果7上谷歌加速软件 of the Best Novel prize in the Nommo Awards from the African Speculative Fiction Society. It seems like there should be a lot of renewed interest in the book, and in Tade's other work, and that therefore I should share this podcast with you.

In the interview Tade talks about some of the ideas behind Rosewater, about his now released novella, The Murders of Molly Southbourne, and about writing a ghost story.

Direct download: iphone如何上谷歌
Category:Interview -- posted at: 3:51am PDT

Stephanie Saulter at Worldcon 75

At Worldcon 75 Cheryl recorded a number of interviews with women writers of color. This one is with Jamaican author, Stephanie Saulter, whose (R)Evolution series has been very well received. For more information about that series, see Cheryl's previous interview with Stephanie here.

Parts of this interview were originally broadcast on the Women's Outlook show on Ujima Radio.

Direct download: 怎么在苹果上登录谷歌
Category:Interview -- posted at: 1:36am PDT

Foz Meadow Interview

In this interview Cheryl talks to Australian author, Foz Meadows, about her recently published novel, ios用什么上谷歌. Topics covered include women-centered novels, writing trans characters and matriarchal societies.


Direct download: iphone上如何使用谷歌
Category:Interview -- posted at: 2:32am PDT

Cat Valente and Finncon

This is the full version of the interview that Cheryl did with Catherynne M. Valente at Finncon 2016. Parts of the interview were previously broadcast on 怎么在苹果上登录谷歌 on Ujima Radio.

The interview covers the whole of Cat's career from her childhood obsession with fairy tales through her student days in Edinburgh, her early success with The Orphan's Tales, the amazing phenomenon that is the Fairyland books and her later adult novels such as Deathless and Radiance.

Direct download: iphone上如何使用谷歌
Category:Interview -- posted at: 8:41am PDT

Mike Carey at Waterstones

This is a recording of the interview that Cheryl did with Mike Carey at Bristol Waterstones in May. The bulk of the discussion is about Mike's latest novel, Fellside. However, the conversation also strays onto The Girl with All the Gifts, the Felix Castor novels, the X-Men, the Lucifer TV series, and the Steel Seraglio books that Mike wrote with his wife and daughter.

Our apologies for the poor sound quality, particularly when picking up audience questions.

The event was organized by the Bristol Festival of Literature.

Direct download: Carey_Waterstones_final.mp3
Category:Interview -- posted at: 7:14am PDT

Mike Carey on Ujima

Cheryl interviewed Mike Carey on her Ujima show on the very day that X-Men: Age of Apocalypse premiered in the UK. They do chat a bit about Mike's time writing the mutants later on, but the main thrust of the interview is about Mike latest book. Fellside is set in a women's prison, and deals with issues of prison privatisation and drug addiction as well as being a great ghost story.

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Direct download: iphone上如何使用谷歌
Category:Interview -- posted at: 5:05am PDT

Paul Cornell Interview

This interview with Paul Cornell too place on Cheryl's Ujima Radio show on May 6th. Paul and Cheryl talked about a variety of subjects including Paul's latest Shadow Police novel, 怎么在苹果上登录谷歌, and his comic series, This Damned Band.

Direct download: Paul_Cornell_final.mp3
Category:iphone如何上谷歌 -- posted at: 3:07am PDT

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This interview with Cavan Scott took place on Cheryl's show on Ujima Radio on April 8th. Cheryl and Cav talked about various of Cav's writing projects including his Star Wars novels, his Sherlock Holmes novel, his Doctor Who comics and, of course, his work on The Beano.

The illustration for this episode is of the Star Wars book that Cav wrote for World Book Day 2016. It became the #1 selling book in the UK.


Direct download: Cav_Scott_final.mp3
Category:Interview -- posted at: 7:06am PDT

怎么在苹果上登录谷歌 Guy Gavriel Kay Interview

The is the full version of the interview that Guy and Cheryl did for Ujima Radio. The broadcast version was cut down by about 50%. The discussion is primarily about Guy's latest novel, Children of Earth and Sky, but touches on aspects of his other work as well.

Direct download: GuyKay-final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:30am PDT

Pete Newman Interview

This interview was first recorded in May 2015 as part of the iphone如何上谷歌 show on Ujima Radio. With The Vagrant being published in paperback this month, and the sequel, The Malice, out in hardcover, it seemed like a good time to run with the full version.

A few bits of the discussion are slightly dated -- in particular Pete & Emma did not win a Hugo for Tea and Jeopardy -- but the discussion of the book is still very relevant.

Direct download: Pete_Newman_-_final.mp3
Category:Interview -- posted at: 3:07am PDT

Stephanie Saulter Interview

This interview was first recorded in September 2015. A cut-down version was broadcast on the Women's Outlook show on Ujima Radio. With Regeneration being published in the USA this month it seemed like a good time to run with the full version.

The only place where the interview has dated is where Cheryl and Stephanie discuss Marlon James' chances in the Booker Prize.

Direct download: StephanieSaulter_final.mp3
Category:Interview -- posted at: 4:57am PDT

iphone上如何使用谷歌 Tobias S. Buckell Interview

This is the extended cut of an interview that originally ran on the Women's Outlook show on Ujima radio. Tobias is originally from Grenada but now lives in the USA. The interview explains how he came tomake that move, and how it ties in to one of the themes of his latest novel, Hurricane Fever. Tobias also talks about the inspiration behind his secret agent hero, Prudence Jones, and about how he managed to become a successful author despite a life-long struggle with dyslexia. As usual the interviewer is Cheryl Morgan.

Direct download: Tobias-final.mp3
Category:Interview -- posted at: 3:40am PDT

Rhonda Garcia Interview

This is the extended cut of an interview that originally ran on the Women's Outlook show on Ujima radio. Rhonda is a writer from Trinidad, and her debut novel, Lex Talionis, is available from Dragonwell Publishing and the usual retail outlets. The interview covers the book, Rhonda's journey to becoming published, and a little bit about life in Trinidad. As usual the interviewer is Cheryl Morgan.

Direct download: Rhonda_-_final.mp3
Category:Interview -- posted at: 9:46am PDT

Kathryn Allan - Accessing the Future

This is an interview with Kathryn Allan, the current recipient of the Le Guin Feminist Science Fiction Fellowship. Cheryl talks to her mainly about the crowdfunded anthology project, Accessing the Future, which she is co-editing with Djibril al-Ayad of The Future Fire. The anthology will focus on themes of disability in science fiction.

Direct download: KathrynAllan-final.mp3
Category:Interview -- posted at: 2:32am PDT

Nick Harkaway Interview

This is an interview with Nick Harkaway that original ran on the Ujima Radio ios用什么上谷歌 show. It was recorded prior to an event at Mr. B's Emporium of Reading Delights.

Cheryl talks to Nick about his latest novel, ios用什么上谷歌; about fatherhood, his love for comics, and why writers never grow up.

Direct download: NickHarkaway-final.mp3
Category:Interview -- posted at: 7:29am PDT

Leah Moore Interview

This is the extended edition of Cheryl's interview with Leah Moore, exceprts of which were first broadcast on Ujima Radio.

In the interview Leah talks about following in the footsteps of a famous father, about motherhood, and about the Electricomics venture that she has started with (amongst others) her father and her husband, John Reppion, with the support of the Digital R&D Fund for the Arts.

For more information about Electricomics see their website, or follow them on 怎么在苹果上登录谷歌 and Facebook.

The Digital R&D Fund for the Arts is a £7 million fund from Arts Council England, the Arts and Humanities Research Council and Nesta to support collaboration between arts projects, technology providers and researchers to explore the potential of increasing audience engagement or find new business models. Separate Digital R&D Fund for the Arts are being run in Wales and in Scotland.


DRD logo

Direct download: LeahMoore-final.mp3
Category:Interview -- posted at: 4:44am PDT

Word of Mouth, June 2014 - Part 2

This is the second part of the readings from the June 2014 Word of Mouth event. Joanne Hall reads from a currently unsold novel, The Summer Goddess. Pete Sutton reads a story from a collection he is writing in which each story is inspired by the counting magpies folk song. Scott Lewis reads the rest of the story that he started in Part 1.

Direct download: WoM14-2-final.mp3
Category:BristolCon Fringe -- posted at: 3:28am PDT

ios用什么上谷歌 Word of Mouth, June 2014 - Part I

Once a year the BristolCon crowd takes over Word of Mouth, a monthly reading series run by iphone如何上谷歌 and hosted by the 怎么在苹果上登录谷歌. Normally we'd put these readings on the BristolCon Fringe podcast stream, but that has limited capacity and these readings turned out to be quite long, so they are being hosted by Salon Futura instead.

The three readers are Pete Sutton, Joanne Hall and Scott Lewis. Pete's story in this section is a rare (for him) science fiction piece. Jo reads from her latest novel, iphone如何上谷歌. And Scott reads the first part of a steampunk horror story that will conclude in Part 2.

Direct download: WoM14-1-final.mp3
Category:BristolCon Fringe -- posted at: 3:21am PDT

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Karen is the author of the award-winning novels, Redemption in Indigo and The Best of All Possible Worlds.

Tech services at Åcon are provided by Jonas Wissting to whom we are indebted for this recording.

Direct download: Karen_interview_-_final.mp3
Category:Interview -- posted at: 3:09am PDT

iphone如何上谷歌 Åcon 7 - The Post-Colonial SF Panel

This is a podcast of the panel on post-colonial science fiction that took place at Åcon in Mariehamn, Finland in May 2014. The panelists are:

  • Karen Lord
  • Sari Polvinen
  • Juha Tupasela
  • 苹果7上谷歌加速软件

Karen is an author from Barbados. Sari & Juha both have an academic interest in post-colonial SF. Cheryl is a critic.

Tech services at Åcon are provided by Jonas Wissting to whom we are indebted for this recording.

Direct download: Post-colonial_SF-final.mp3
Category:Convention panels -- posted at: 7:40am PDT

苹果7上谷歌加速软件 Gareth L. Powell Interview

This is an interview with Gareth L. Powell that I did on Ujima Radio on December 18th, 2013, shortly after the launch of Gareth's novel, 怎么在苹果上登录谷歌. The first book in that series, Ack-Ack Macaque, has just become joint-winner of the 2014 British Science Fiction Association Award.

The podcast of material from Hive Monkey is available here.

Direct download: iphone上如何使用谷歌
Category:Interview -- posted at: 9:33am PDT

怎么在苹果上登录谷歌 Nalo Hopkinson Interview

This is a podcast of the interview with Nalo Hopkinson broadcast on Ujima Radio's Women's Outlook Show on February 5th. It covers most of Nalo's novels, especially the latest, Sister Mine. We also discuss the state of LGBT rights in the Caribbean.

My apologies for the poor sound quality on my voice during the interview.

Direct download: 怎么在苹果上登录谷歌
Category:Interview -- posted at: 7:33am PDT

Karen Joy Fowler Interview

This interview was originally recorded for a Ujima Radio show to be broadcast on March 19th. However, as Ujima is off air at the moment, I am podcasting it here instead. The interview is mainly about Karen's latest book, We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves, which has just launched in the UK. Karen will be at Foyles in Bristol on the evening of the 19th.

Direct download: KJFowler_final.mp3
Category:Interview -- posted at: 8:04am PDT

Afrofuturism on Ujima

This is an edit of a show about Afrofuturism that I did in November 2013. The studio guest is Tade Thompson and there are pre-recorded interviews with Bill Campbell, Tobias Buckell and Rochita Loenen-Ruiz, which were done at World Fantasy. For copyright reasons the music that I played during the show cannot be included in this podcast.


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Category:Talking Books -- posted at: 5:05am PDT

Nene Ormes on Ujima

This is a podcast of an interview that Cheryl did with Stephanie Saulter as part of the Women's Outlook show on Ujima Radio. Nene is a Swedish writer whose work is not yet available in English. Topics addressed include:

  • ios用什么上谷歌
  • Urban fantasy in Sweden
  • Swedish crime novels
  • Marriage equality in Sweden
  • Vikings
  • Egyptology (Nene is an archaeologist by training)
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  • Working in a bookstore
  • 苹果7上谷歌加速软件

Nene asked me to add that after the show she remembered that Swedes do call some Danish pastries Viennese.

The interview was originally broadcast on July 24th.

Direct download: iphone如何上谷歌
Category:Talking Books -- posted at: 12:35pm PDT

怎么在苹果上登录谷歌 Stephanie Saulter on Ujima

This is a podcast of an interview that Cheryl did with Stephanie Saulter as part of the Women's Outlook show on Ujima Radio. Topics addressed include:

  • Why non-white people might want to write science fiction (because Stephanie gets asked that);
  • Diversity in SF&F (with mentions for the Writers of Color twitter account, Nikesh Shukla and Hal Duncan);
  • The Nine Worlds convention (with a mention for Rochita Loenen-Ruiz);
  • Stephanie's life and remarkable family; and
  • The Scriptopus website

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Direct download: 怎么在苹果上登录谷歌
Category:Talking Books -- posted at: 3:13pm PDT

SF in SF: June 2013 Discussion

This is a podcast of the Q&A session from the June 2013 Science Fiction in San Francisco event. It is moderated by Terry Bission and features Cliff Winnig, Heather McDougal and Cassie Alexander.

SF in  SF is a monthly reading series sponsored by 苹果7上谷歌加速软件 and run in aid of the Variety Children's Charity of California. Wizard's Tower is delighted to provide podcast space to allow this excellent event to be enjoyed worldwide.

Direct download:
Category:SF in SF -- posted at: 7:14am PDT

iphone上如何使用谷歌 SF in SF: June 2013, Cassie Alexander

This is a podcast of the third reading from the June 2013 Science Fiction in San Francisco event. The reader is Cassie Alexander, who entertained us with an extract from her novel, Shapeshifted.

SF in  SF is a monthly reading series sponsored by Tachyon Publications and run in aid of the Variety Children's Charity of California. Wizard's Tower is delighted to provide podcast space to allow this excellent event to be enjoyed worldwide.

Direct download:
Category:iphone上如何使用谷歌 -- posted at: 3:24pm PDT

SF in SF: June 2013, Heather McDougal

This is a podcast of the second reading from the June 2013 Science Fiction in San Francisco event. The reader is Heather McDougal, who entertained us with an extract from her novel, Songs for a Machine Age.

SF in  SF is a monthly reading series sponsored by Tachyon Publications and run in aid of the Variety Children's Charity of California. Wizard's Tower is delighted to provide podcast space to allow this excellent event to be enjoyed worldwide.

Direct download:
Category:SF in SF -- posted at: 4:52am PDT

iphone如何上谷歌 SF in SF: June 2013, Cliff Winnig

This is a podcast of one of the readings from the June 2013 Science Fiction in San Francisco event. The reader is Cliff Winnig.

SF in  SF is a monthly reading series sponsored by Tachyon Publications and run in aid of the Variety Children's Charity of California. Wizard's Tower is delighted to provide podcast space to allow this excellent event to be enjoyed worldwide.

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Category:SF in SF -- posted at: 12:59pm PDT

Joanne Hall on Ujima

This is a podcast of an interview that Cheryl did with Joanne Hall as part of the Women's Outlook show on iphone上如何使用谷歌. Topics addressed include Jo's book, The Art of Forgetting: Rider; QUITLTBAG characters in fiction; the Bechdel Test; and Bristolcon. The interview was originally broadcast on June 26th.

Direct download: Ujima_-_Jo_Hall.mp3
Category:Talking Books -- posted at: 1:02am PDT

Madeline Ashby Interview

An interview with Madeline Ashby, author of vN and iD, which took place in Toronto in June 2013.

Direct download: AshbyFull.mp3
Category:Interview -- posted at: 1:00am PDT

怎么在苹果上登录谷歌 The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction

Cheryl Morgan interviews Graham Sleight about the new third edition of the famous Encyclopedia of Science Fiction which is due to be launched any day now. Graham is the business manager for the enterprise. The encyclopedia is being written primarily by John Clute, David Langford and Peter Nicholls, with a large number of guest specialist contributors.

The official website of the new encyclopedia is here. There is also a working website here with sample entries and the contact form by which the editors can be contacted.

The encyclopedia blog, which Graham mentions in the interview, can be found here.

The new encyclopedia is part of the Gollancz SF Gateway project, which is online here.

Direct download: sfe3.mp3
Category:Interview -- posted at: 3:16am PDT

iphone上如何使用谷歌 Eurocon 2011 Gender in SF&F Panel

This is a recording of a panel from the 2011 Eurocon, held in Stockholm in June. It featues a panel titled "Men, Women and Neuters in SF and Fantasy". The panel members were Kari Sperring (moderator), Ian McDonald, Elizabeth Bear, Johan Jönsson, Kristina Knaving and Cheryl Morgan. The recording also features audience contributions from Charlie Stross and (briefly) Amanda Downum. Our thanks to the Eurocon committee for providing the raw audio.

Direct download: GenderPanel.mp3
Category:怎么在苹果上登录谷歌 -- posted at: 10:44am PDT

Out of This World: The Launch of the British Library Exhibition

This podcast contains interviews that Cheryl Morgan conducted at the launch party for the British Library's science fiction exhibition. For more details see the show notes at Cheryl's blog.

Direct download: BritishLibrary.mp3
Category:Interview -- posted at: 10:15am PDT

Hugo Award Questions: Episode 2

Following the recent release of the 2011 Hugo Award nominees, Cheryl Morgan and Kevin Standlee, ably assisted by John DeNardo of SF Signal, boldly dive into the dark underbelly of the Hugo Award rules in search of enlightenment. How notes for this podcast will be available at the Science Fiction Awards Watch website.

Direct download: hugosquestions2.mp3
Category:SF Awards Watch -- posted at: 7:38am PDT

iphone上如何使用谷歌 The Salon: Making a Book Cover

This month on The Salon Cheryl Morgan and her guests discuss how book covers are designed. With Cheryl in The Salon are artist, John Picacio, art director Irene Gallo, and former Barnes & Noble buyer, Joe Monti.

For more information about the matters discussed in this podcast see the Salon Futura website.

Direct download: TheSalon009.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:50am PDT

iphone如何上谷歌 The Salon: YA Science Fiction

This month on The Salon Cheryl Morgan and her guests discuss science fiction for younger readers. With Cheryl in The Salon are David D. Levine, Imogen Russell Williams and Ben Jeapes.

For more information about the matters discussed in this podcast see the Salon Futura website.

Direct download: TheSalon008.mp3
Category:The Salon -- posted at: 4:40am PDT

怎么在苹果上登录谷歌 The Salon: It's A Crime

This month on The Salon Cheryl Morgan and her guests discuss writing science fiction, fantasy and horror novels that are also crime novels. With Cheryl in The Salon are Jon Courtenay Grimwood, Aliette de Bodard and Mike Carey.

For more information about the matters discussed in this podcast see the Salon Futura website.

Direct download: iphone上如何使用谷歌
Category:The Salon -- posted at: 4:22pm PDT

iphone如何上谷歌 怎么在苹果上登录谷歌

Cheryl Morgan talks to editor, Ann VanderMeer, about <a href=""><em>Weird Tales</em></a> and some of the projects she is working on with her husband, Jeff.

For more information about the matters discussed in this podcast see the Salon Futura website.

Direct download: AnnVandermeer.mp3
Category:Interview -- posted at: 2:47am PDT

The Salon: Running A Small Press

This month on The Salon we welcome three people who run their own science fiction and fantasy publishing businesses. To find out just what it takes to do this sort of thing, and what the various changes affected the publishing business will mean for a small press, listen to L. Timmel Duchamp (Aqueduct Press), Alisa Krasnostein (Twelfth Planet Press) and Sean Wallace (Prime Books).

For more information about the matters discussed in this podcast see the Salon Futura website


Direct download: TheSalon006.mp3
Category:The Salon -- posted at: 2:43am PDT

How the Hugos Work

This is a podcast from Salon Futura's siste web site, Science Fiction Awards Watch. In it Cheryl Morgan and Kevin Standlee answer questions about the Hugo Awards from their invited guests: .


If you have any follow-up questions you can ask them at:

Direct download: hugoquestions.mp3
Category:SF Awards Watch -- posted at: 12:05pm PDT

iphone如何上谷歌 The Salon: The Graphic Story Hugo

This month on The Salon Cheryl Morgan and her guests discuss which 2010 graphic stories might be good candidates for the Hugo Award. With Cheryl in The Salon are writer Maura McHugh, retailer and blogger Joe Gordon, and podcaster David Monteith.

For more information about the matters discussed in this podcast see the Salon Futura website.

Direct download: TheSalon005a.mp3
Category:iphone上如何使用谷歌 -- posted at: 10:39pm PDT

The Salon: Steampunk Without Empire

This month in The Salon we discuss whether steampunk is necessarily all about empire. The guests are Karin Lowachee (from Canada via Guyana), Lavie Tidar (from Israel) and Jeff VanderMeer (co-editor of two steampunk anthologies and other steampunk-related books).

For more information about things discussed in this podcast see the 怎么在苹果上登录谷歌 website.

Direct download: iphone上如何使用谷歌
Category:The Salon -- posted at: 10:39am PDT

ios用什么上谷歌 The Salon; Is Fantasy Gendered?

Cheryl Morgan talks to Glenda Larke, Lou Anders and Tim Pratt about whether some fantasy fiction is specifically aimed at one gender or another.

Direct download: TheSalon003.mp3
Category:The Salon -- posted at: 8:05am PDT

The Salon: Writing LGBT Characters

Cheryl Morgan talks to Nicola Griffith, Hal Duncan and Catherynne M. Valente about how and why writers should use lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender characters in their work.

Direct download: iphone上如何使用谷歌
Category:The Salon -- posted at: 4:11am PDT

The Salon: A Changing Conversation

Each month Cheryl Morgan invites a number of celebrity guests to visit The Salon and talk about some topic related to speculative literature.

This month we welcome Gary K. Wolfe, Nnedi Okorafor and Fábio Fernandes. The topic of conversation is, perhaps appropriately, The Conversation -- how we talk about science fiction and understand its history.

Direct download: TheSalon001.mp3
Category:The Salon -- posted at: 3:00pm PDT

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